YGT 2016

YGT 2016

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Lessons Learned

Along with her review, hiker Janet formulated the following email to SYMG in support and thanks for such a great experience.

What a great trip!  Wilson, thank you for your wisdom, humor and great food!  Sierra, your patience with my limited vision and sore knees was inspirational!  You both are leaders beyond your years.

I thought I would take a moment to summarize some of what I learned about myself and the wild:

·         Yes my feet were a size 9.  Just returning to size 8 now!
·         It is okay to drink the water if there are no beavers.-either way you have 2 weeks.
·         If the world were to end, there is not a lot of wild edibles in the California woods-best to bring cheese.
·         1 L of water weights 2.5 lbs.  If you drink it, it weighs 0lbs-outcome is the same.
·         Corn for breakfast…do I need to say anything more.
·         It takes an hour to walk a mile and a half.  Unless you are walking with Lesley than I think you can double the distance.
·         Dirty socks make great face clothes-just the right abrasiveness to buff in a healthy glow.
·         Lip balm gives you soft sexy lips but attracts the wrong element-do not keep it in your tent.
·         Always have someone else test the water slide first.
·         Hang it all on the outside…never know when you might need it.
·         If it is easy to dig a hole you probably should look for another spot.
·         Women wine less than men…hmmm I already knew that- I think I meant woman need more wine than men.
·         Yup still afraid of high spots and falling.
·         Always follow.  When you see others trip it is best not to step there.
·         Rocky-cone should be played far away from mystic circles.
·         Never catch stones on the back of your hand-or wait maybe your suppose too-sorry what were the rules again???
·         Sticks, pinecones, and small stones, all make great toilet paper substitutes.
·         When it is dark, you do not need a tree.
·         Dessert tastes best when set on fire first.
·         A rain suit is as good as bug repellant but goes on a whole lot quicker.
·         I really, really, really like chairs.
·         50 is the new 30 if you have good drugs.
·         Always swim before you shower.

So much imagine what I could learn in 24 days.  Look out world!

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